Policy for Animal-Tested Cosmetics


New Delhi  December 2013:
 Indian Standards on cosmetics are formulated by Cosmetics Sectional Committee, PCD 19 of Bureau of Indian Standards 7, (BIS) under the chairmanship of Drugs Controller General (India) and are covered under Schedule ‘S’ of Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945. 

Regarding regulation of import and sale of cosmetic products where the products or the ingredients have been subjected to animal testing, presently under the Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945, there is no prohibition on import and sale of Cosmetics products where the products for the ingredients have been subjected to testing on animals. Representations have been received by the Government for reviewing the standards in respect of requirements for testing on animals for approval of cosmetic products, including prohibition on import of cosmetic products which have been prepared following testing on animals. The European Union has imposed prohibition of the marketing of the cosmetics and their ingredients which have been tested on animals in March, 2013. In India also, following various representations regarding the ban on use of animals in testing of cosmetics in several countries, the Sectional Committee in its last meeting held on 28th June, 2013 finalized an amendment to delete the requirements for animal based test methods from the standard to align with global practices. 

This was stated by Sh Ghulam Nabi Azad, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha today.