Promoting Usage of Generic Medicines


Bengaluru, December 9, 2015: A number of steps have been taken by the Government to promote use of generic medicines. Circulars/ instructions have been issued from time to time to all Central Government hospitals, CGHS dispensaries and State Governments for encouraging prescription of generic medicines. Besides, the Code of Medical Ethics under Indian Medical Council Regulations, 2002 also mandates prescription of drugs with generic names. Further, vide Gazette Notification No.570 (E) dated 07.08.2014, the application for grant of licence for a drug formulation containing single active ingredient can be made only in the proper name and the existing licencees manufacturing single active ingredient drug formulation also have to apply for grant of licence for a drug formulation containing single active ingredient in proper name within one year of the commencement of these rules. Apart from this, the Government has initiated a Jan Jagriti Abhiyan to encourage use of generic medicines to increase their availability.

The Health Minister, Shri J P Nadda stated this in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)