Religare Health Insurance Launches New Version of Feature-Packed Health Insurance Plan ‘Care’


· Sum Insured up to INR 75 Lakh as compared to INR 60 Lakh and INR 50 Lakh offered previously

· Covers alternative treatments under AYUSH (Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha& Homeopathy)

Mumbai, October 19, 2016: After receiving an overwhelming response for its Health Indemnity flagship product – CARE, Religare Health Insurance today announced launch of a new version of the product to its customers.

In line with their core ethos of consistently enhancing value, convenience and quality deliverables and with constant feedback from, and engagement with its customers, Religare Health Insurance is pleased to present an array of significant improvements and modifications to ‘Care’.

Speaking on the revised offering, Anuj Gulati, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Religare Health Insurance said, “We believe that our products should be designed around customers’ needs and should effectively provide sufficient cover with the rising healthcare costs. Based on the overall feedback and an extensive in-house study with our customers, we have further strengthened the core proposition by also offering sum insured options of INR75 lakhs. We have also added many new significant features such as Unlimited Recharge of Sum Insured and Maternity Coverage for our customers. Thisholistic plan also covers certain alternative treatments like Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha & Homeopathy,”

“We have also made key investments in our online sales platform and widened our distribution reach which shall help us meet our customer demands, anytime, anywhere,”Mr. Gulati added further.

Selective summary of the product improvements and modifications are as follows:

§ “Care Anywhere”Benefit which allows convenience of global coverage can now be availed for 12 critical illnesses instead of the earlier 5

§ An additional sum insured of INR 75 Lakh now available along with the previous options of INR 50 lakh and INR 60 lakh;

§ The plan even comes with an in-built Maternity cover of up to INR 1 Lakh;

§ The list of named Day Care Medical Procedures has been increased from 175 to 541

§ The policy includes a preventive ‘Annual Health Check-up’ available at no extra cost to allinsured members, including children;

§ The policy offers coverage of AYUSH treatments, i.e., Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha & Homeopathy (for Sum Insured 3 Lakh and above)

§ In addition to these features, some new Optional Covers are being introduced such as:

­ Unlimited Automatic Recharge of Sum Insured

­ Personal Accident Cover

§ Option of sharing premium paid for your policy with any other Adult (Co-proposer)to avail benefits for unrelated inflictions and tax benefits under Section 80D of Income Tax Act.

§ Care continues to offer key benefits like:

­ Up to 150% increase in Sum Insured through ‘No Claim Bonus’ and ‘No Claim Bonus Super’ (Optional Cover)

­ Discounts of 7.5% & 10% on Premium rates for 2-year & 3-year policies, respectively

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)