Rusan launched India’s first nicotine transdermal patch: 2baconilTM


Dr. Kunal Saxena, managing Director Rusan Pharma Ltd, has started his journey in 2012. With his expertise in the area of Opioid De addiction, he has been successful in tying a knot between healthcare sector and technology. Entering the footsteps on development of new drug delivery systems at Rusan, he has been victorious in launching India’s first OTC Nicotine Transdermal Patch- 2baconil™.

Increased adaptation of urban culture in day-to-day life is making people more vulnerable for alcohol and smoking. As the myth and lack of knowledge, the youth thinks that smoking can bring down the level of stress. But in reality the cigarette smoking further worsen the stress as the carbon monoxide and nicotine combination induces elevation in blood pressure which in turn leads to anxiety in smokers.

Indeed the government awareness drive through an audiovisual medium has made many persons to quit smoking. But the addiction of nicotine and continuous desire to smoke makes it hard for many people to leave smoking. The quit smoking solutions like E-cigarette, nicotine based medications, psychiatric help is limited to only certain section of the society. While most of the people in India have almost no awareness about these solutions and this ultimately leading to rise in number of bronchitis and lung carcinoma patients every year.

The 2baconilTM is a transdermal patch, provides a measured dose of harmless nicotine through the skin. These types of patches are quite common method of de-addiction in western countries but due to high cost in India very few people are able to use imported nicotine patches.

As the 2baconilTM is reliable and made in India solution to quit smoking, the company is quite confident that these transdermal patches will definitely give a strong competition to imported patches and will act as a game changer in nicotine de-addiction.

The company has launched these patches with different strength of nicotine as followed:

Ø 21 mg transdermal patches for a person who generally smokes 20 or more cigarettes in a day.

Ø 14 mg transdermal patches for those who smoke less than 20 cigarettes in a day

Ø 7 mg transdermal patches intended to be used at the third and last stage of de-addiction therapy.