Dr. Pavan Yadav

The Burden of Tobacco Addiction in India

By, Dr. Pavan Yadav, Lead Consultant - Interventional Pulmonology & Lung Transplantation, Aster RV Hospital India is home to one…

2 weeks ago

Incentive Spirometer for lung health maintenance

Dr. Pavan Yadav, Lead Consultant - Interventional Pulmonology & Lung Transplantation An incentive spirometer is a medical device used to…

6 months ago

Managing Bronchial Asthma

Dr. Pavan Yadav, Lead Consultant - Interventional Pulmonology & Lung Transplantation, Aster RV Hospital Bronchial asthma, commonly known as just asthma,…

1 year ago

Sleep Apnea and Its Types

By Dr Pavan Yadav, Lead Consultant- Interventional Pulmonology & Lung Transplantation, Aster RV Hospital Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder…

1 year ago

Aster RV Hospital successfully performs double lung transplantation surgery in 30-year-old woman

Bangalore, December 28, 2021: In a rare case, Aster RV Hospital has successfully performed a double lung transplantation in a…

2 years ago

Combined heart and lung transplant and Bilateral lung transplant gives new lease of life to two patients at Aster Hospitals, Bangalore

Bangalore, January 13, 2021:  A 62-year-old, senior citizen from Tamil Nadu diagnosed with Interstitial lung disease (ILD) and a 40-year-old congenital heart patient…

3 years ago

Smoking cessation at any stage has great health benefits

By Dr. Pavan Yadav, Consultant, Interventional Pulmonology, Aster RV Hospital According to recent figures revealed by the Global Adult Tobacco…

4 years ago

Live webinar with Aster RV on the ‘New normal post Covid-19’

Bangalore, April 28, 2020: The spread of COVID-19 and the subsequent world-wide lockdown has left many people with questions about…

4 years ago

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