VNS Institute Bhopal Celebrated National Pharmacy Week -2015


Bengaluru, December 15, 2015: Founded in 1994, VNS Faculty of Pharmacy [VNSFOP] has a long history of serving its students and health-care professionals as one of the premier private pharmacy institute in the central India zone. As a part of the continuing efforts by the institute in promoting the role of pharmacist as health care professionals and awareness on antibiotics VNSFOP celebrated the National Pharmacy Week with their National Service Scheme [NSS] unit on the theme of National Pharmacy Week, laid by IPA. The importance of commemorating National Pharmacy Week lies in recognizing the value of pharmacists in ensuring the safe and effective use of medicines, antibiotics and the vital role they play as professionals in the healthcare team. Various competitions was organized e.g extempore, quiz, rangoli etc. and an expert lecture was also arranged.

Dr. Ramesh Shandilya, M.B.B.S., M.D. from Bansal Hospital, Bhopal had shared interesting facts and information on antibiotics, their safe usage and resistance with the students and teachers. Mr. Ashish Singhai, Program Coordinator and Assoc. Prof., VNSFOP and Mr. Vishal Kapoor, Program Officer, NSS unit, VNSGI, Bhopal had encouraged and appreciated the students for their efforts and participation. On the last day a “Pharma Rally” was organized to create awareness among common peoples. During the rally the students and teachers had shared the informative literature on antibiotics usage and self medication with the peoples. By orchestrating community events during the week, VNSFOP played an important role in carrying on the legacy of professional excellence and community involvement. Mr. J. K. Singh, Chairman, VNS Group of Institutions (VNSGI), Bhopal, Dr. D. K. Swami, Group Director, VNSGI, Dr. V. V. Dhote, Associate Director, VNSFOP, Dr. P. K. Singour, Vice Principal, VNSFOP and Prof. P. Saraf, Registrar, VNSFOP highlighted the role and responsibilities of pharmacist and appreciated the students.

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