World Dermatology 2020


21st World Dermatology Congress will raise the most dynamic and latest issues in the field of Dermatology. The Congress will highlight the discussion around the theme “Contemporary Modes to Escalate Research in Dermatology” by bridging the gaps between the intellectuals from across the globe to enlighten their research and findings at World Dermatology 2020. The highlights of the conference includes Dermatology, Clinical Dermatology, Paediatric Dermatology, Dermatological Diseases, Psoriasis, Hyperpigmentation and Vitiligo, Leprosy, Skin Cancer, Mohs Surgery, Dermatological Techniques, Alopecia and Scalp Problems and many more.

The aim of World Dermatology 2020 is to aggregate Researchers, Academicians and Scientists from the Dermatology community and to create an avenue towards robust exchange of information on technological advances, new scientific achievements, and the effectiveness of various regulatory programs towards Dermatology at this event.


March 23-24, 2020


Tokyo, Japan

Conference Venue:

ANA Crowne Plaza Narita

68, Horinouchi, Narita, Chiba 286-0107, Japan

Contact information:

WhatsApp: 813-4578-0247
