“When Glass Meets Pharma”: Broad Knowledge Bundled in a Little Book


Mumbai, September 23, 2015: A new book written by SCHOTT scientist Dr. Bettine Boltres provides pharmaceutical companies with basic knowledge of glass and how this material is used best in the pharmaceutical industry. “When Glass meets Pharma” succinctly describes what characteristics the material has, why it possibly interacts with drugs and how it can be processed most effectively in production.

“Glass is the material of choice for the pharmaceutical industry when it comes to packing drugs. Nevertheless, the demands on packaging are rising rapidly, mainly due to more stringent regulations by the health authorities. By sharing our knowledge of glass with companies in the pharmaceutical industry, we help them to use glass more effectively,” Boltres describes her motivation for writing the book.
The book has been published in English by Editio Cantor Verlag (ISBN 978-3-87193-432- 2). The print edition is now available in bookstores and at amazon.com. An eBook edition is also available (ISBN 978-3-87193-433-9).
“SCHOTT is determined to enhance awareness among stakeholders to promote best practices in the pharmaceutical packaging industry. We are happy to share our knowledge based on the expertise and experiences that our scientists gather during R&D and processing of quality glass products,” said Vice President- Sales and Marketing, SCHOTT Glass India Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Sundeep Prabhu.
SCHOTT Group has been working with specialty glass for pharmaceutical packaging for over 100 years now. Back in 1911, the company founder Otto Schott developed the borosilicate glass FIOLAX® that has become the gold standard for glass packaging in the pharmaceutical industry. This glass is extremely chemically resistant and therefore ideally suited for use in pharmaceutical packaging. SCHOTT also manufactures more than 9 billion vials, syringes, ampoules and cartridges out of FIOLAX® specialty glass every year.
SCHOTT Glass continues to offer opportunities to leading pharmaceutical companies to learn more about the benefits of using primary pharmaceutical packaging made of high quality glass. Started in 2010, SCHOTT’s FIOLAX® Academy programme, held on a regular basis in different countries, shares the latest information on the composition, properties and production of high quality pharma glass. The Academy strives to expand its programme to offer a complete training experience, covering topics such as drugcontainer interactions, regulatory requirements and glass quality.
Till now, the FIOLAX® Academy has already reached the landmark of training more than 3,000 professionals around the world. Till now, there have been 15 such events in India. The next FIOLAX academy will take place in November this year in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
More information: http://www.amazon.de/When-Glass-meets-Pharmapackaging/dp/3871934321
Picture caption: “When Glass Meets Pharma”: New Book Contains Compact Knowledge for the Pharmaceutical Industry Download Link: http://www.schott.com/newsfiles/com/booktitlewhenglassmeetspharma.png

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