All India Occupational Therapists’ Association to Embark on Month-long Awareness Drive


Mumbai, November 02, 2019

  • Walkathon at KEM, Street Plays to be part of the novel campaign
  • AIOTA plans month-long awareness drive beginning Oct 27th

In a novel initiative, scores of occupational therapists across the country, will resort to a walkathon and perform street plays in the KEM precincts on November 9 to create awareness about the key contribution of Occupational therapy in healthcare and highlight their long-pending demands.

The unique awareness campaign, organized under the auspices of All India Occupational therapists’ Association (AIOTA), will see scores of occupational therapists, participating in the 2-km walkathon in the premises of G.S. Medical College and K.E.M. Hospital here. It will be followed by various awareness activities including street play to focus on contribution of OT in restoration of functions in persons with disabilities and dysfunctions including kids.

The AIOTA has kick-started the month-long campaign on October 27th, which is the World (Occupational Therapy) OT day, and the event of November 9 is part of its month long OT awareness drive across the country.

AIOTA President, Dr. Anil K Srivastava said, “The majority of countries have regulatory boards to regulate occupational therapy as a health profession, which currently lacks in India and it still is an issue of great concern.” He further said, “Occupational Therapists serve all age groups and every condition/pathology that may cause or pose a risk to limit “occupational” (human) performance. OT is practiced in a wide range of public, private and voluntary sector settings, such as the person’s home environment; schools; workplaces; health centers; supported accommodation; housing for seniors; rehabilitation centers; hospitals; forensic services and self-owned private centers.”

The members of the AIOTA, OT colleges, state branches of the AIOTA and the institutions with OT set up in government and private sector will celebrate OT India’s professional festival during the whole month with great togetherness & enthusiasm with an aim to promote occupational therapy in India to heighten its visibility in the community.

The purpose of the campaign is to inform the people and inspire the young entrants about the contribution of OT in modern healthcare system and further to make them aware that occupational therapists can assist individuals of any age group with special needs to live as independently as possible in the community.

Occupational Therapy (OT) came to existence in India by establishment of first OT School in Asia at Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College & King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, in the year 1950.

OT is a holistic evidence-based, client-centered, first contact and/or referral profession of modern healthcare system, that works for all people, including those who have an impairment of body structure or function owing to a health condition, or who are restricted in their participation or who are socially excluded.
