Dr Health, No. 633, 10th B Main (Opposite Pavithra Hotel or Cool Joint), 4th Block, Jayanagar, Banga-lore 560011.


Hospital Name: Dr Health

Address: No. 633, 10th B Main (Opposite Pavithra Hotel or Cool Joint), 4th Block, Jayanagar, Banga-lore 560011.

Tel. No: 080 42067474/75, 08023568290/91

Email id: drshamsher@vsnl.net

Website: http://www.drhealthclinic.com/


Dr Shahid Shamsher is a leading Trichologist certified from UK, Australia & India. He consults at Dr Health Clinics and can be contacted on 42067474 to 75. Stress caused by hair fall is real. While Hair fall is of course never injurious to your health, but there are Health related quality of life (HRQL) studies that have shown the amount of stress some people experience with hair fall is comparable to that with patients experience when they suffer from cancer or any other life threatening disorder.