Residents Medical’s AHIMA Clinical Document Specialist Certification course


Mumbai, November 15,  2023 :  Residents Medical is a leading medical education and residency placement organization headquartered in Los Angeles, California. It helps aspiring doctors secure attractive residency placements and established physicians enhance their careers. Residents Medical will assist you to stay relevant in today’s complex and changing world of Graduate Medical Education. It will handhold you on your journey to stand out among the crowd of applicants for US medical residency.

Employers and co-workers consider CDIP-holders role models in the wider health information community at teaching hospitals and beyond. Residents Medical helps in training candidates to develop the skills that will help them throughout their residency and even afterwards. It also aids applicants in increasing their skill set and choices to be ready for the competitive medical residency job market.

The Differentiator 

Joining Residents Medical will not only make your CV stronger with the skills that Programme Directors look out for, but will also provide one-on-one support from a resident, or coding expert. The residency and fellowship specialists among Residents Medical counsellors are MDs and have years of experience in guiding and mentoring medical students and graduates on their path to becoming residents and fellows in the US.

Course Details 

  • Who can apply? Medical students interested in learning how to deliver comprehensive clinical documentation when caring for patients in both in-patient and out-patient settings
  • How long is the course? The course duration is 12 weeks—a total of 32 lessons divided into two series of content
  • Is it online or offline? Online
  • Link for application? Residents Medical has an affiliation with AHIMA and will provide an individualized enrolment code upon specified interest
  • Last date for application? N/A. Courses are offered throughout the year

AHIMA Certification 

Residents Medical is offering AHIMA Clinical Document Specialist Certification course. In affiliation with the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). This certification provides a comprehensive training course in billing codes and health information. It is an important course that helps your CV stand out among the teeming number of applicants. Upon successful completion of this course, with a Certificate in Health Info and Coding, you can display your skills as a trendsetter in the health information community.


  • Improves your chances of getting US medical residency and career advancement opportunities
  • Provides a base for a deep understanding of the proper way in which a Resident does billing and coding
  • You will have access to the Residents Medical / AHIMA-certified network, a prestigious community that provides valuable insight and support
  • Enhances your skill set and choices for the competitive medical residency job market

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