Smoking habit in parents could lead to “Sudden Infant Death” among newborn babies

  • Premature births, early pregnancies, and less duration between pregnancies too could result in SIDS related deaths

October is SIDS Awareness Month

Hyderabad, October 21, 2020: Every human born has the right to live long, and the problems related to ‘sudden deaths’ during infancy should be arrested to provide the prospect of a long and ideal life to each one. And October is observed as “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome” awareness month, to create a global understanding about sudden and unexpected deaths of children below one-year of age.

To mark SIDS Awareness Month, the Medicover Hospitals organized a people awareness session to educate the risks associated with smoking and how it could cause death among infants.

In India, every year, many young couples are pushed into a state of deep sorrow due to untimely and sudden demise of their newborn babies, and most times, the family is unaware of the cause for the death. Hence, it is important everyone understands what causes such deaths.

Commenting on SIDS related deaths, Dr. Ravinder Reddy Parige, Neonatologist & Pediatrician, Medicover Women and Child Hospitals said, “Smoking habit in both or at least of the parent could be the biggest reason for SIDS deaths, and the risk is more to the child when mother smokes tobacco or is into any form of illegal drugs. SIDS death could be due to chocking; hence it is important the child is kept in an environment which is smoke free. The child should not be rested on the stomach unsupervised or on surfaces like hard mattresses which could cause blockade of respiration resulting in sudden deaths. It is important newborn babies are protected in the first year to ensure the child gets acclimatized to the environment around.”

“There are both pre-birth and post-birth aspects which cause SIDS deaths, and every couple must know how these tragedies can be avoided. While premature birth of a baby is not in control of the parents, what aspiring parents can do is to ensure a woman who is physically and emotionally young to conceive is not pushed into pregnancy; and also there is sufficient gap between pregnancies to ensure the woman gains required strength,” added Dr. Ravinder Reddy Parige.

While the exact cause of SIDS is still unknown, it is generally accepted that such deaths occur due to a combination of factors or events. Experts believe SIDS occurs at a particular stage in a baby’s development and that it affects babies vulnerable to certain environmental stresses.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)