Staying fit during the monsoon

Staying fit during the monsoon

By Mr. Pravesh Gaur, Founder & Director, Srauta Wellness

Monsoon winds bring the rains of respite after a long and scorching summer. No wonder most people are delighted when the grey sheet of clouds forces the blazing sun out of sight and the cool breeze accompanied by rain changes the whole ambience. From cold drinks and lemonades, suddenly the focus moves to hot tea and fried snacks. Monsoon rains also mark a sudden and stark change in the climatic conditions and provide ample breeding ground for a number of diseases and microorganisms. Hence it is imperative that we must be aware and prepared to tackle the menace of diseases that might otherwise hamper our plans of celebrating the rains:

Malaria – Causes and Prevention

Malaria is the most notorious ailment that manifests itself in the rainy season. It is caused by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito. Monsoon rains cause waterlogging, and the stagnant water proves to be the ideal breeding ground for the malaria bearing mosquitoes. The mosquitoes collect in large numbers in and around inhabited areas and pose a threat to majority of the public. Once a female Anopheles mosquito bites a victim, the germs are directly infused into the blood stream. Further, the affected person might give blood transfusion to another and unwittingly spread the disease. Typical fever symptoms like fatigue, weakness, recurring fever, bouts of shivering and muscular pain are various indicators of malaria. We can prevent occurrence of malaria by ensuring that the mosquitoes don’t get a breeding ground in or around human settlements. Usage of mosquito repellents sprays and creams, mosquito nets and wearing clothes that reduce skin exposure outdoors during the monsoon season can be a great protection against this disease.

Viral Fever – Causes and Prevention

Viral Fever, Flu or Influenza as it is commonly called is also quite prevalent during the rainy season. It is usually a non life-threatening streak of fever which at times causes the body temperature to become as high as 104 degrees F and is peculiar for symptoms such as constant sneezing, throat issues and even breathlessness in some cases. It is known to affect people with low immunity. The most effective prevention against viral fever is to avoid getting soaked in the rains. In case one does get caught in the downpour, it is advised that the person visits the doctor immediately. Traditionally, homemade remedies such as hot turmeric milk are considered as great healers of viral fever, but if it doesn’t help then a visit to the doctor must be made.

Dengue – Causes and Prevention

Dengue is another mosquito caused disease that has become more dominant in the recent decades and has killed a number of people. Dengue virus causes symptoms such as continuous headache, high fever, rashes and muscular as well as joint pains. In extreme cases, it can cause life-threatening bleeding, loss of platelets and shocks. The bite of dengue mosquito injects the disease’s virus into the person’s bloodstream, just the way syringes work. Since it is caused by mosquitoes, the preventions used against malaria also prove effective against dengue such as mosquito nets, clothes that cover the body and using mosquito repellents.

Chikungunya – Causes and Prevention

Chikungunya is another seasonal disease that is caused by mosquito bites. However, unlike dengue, it is not a deadly disease. Chikungunya is highly painful and causes a lasting trauma. The common symptoms are fever, severe joint pain, persistent headache, muscular pain, nausea and rashes. It is caused by Aedes albopictus mosquito that breeds in stagnant water and bites during the bright daylight only. There is no known cure for this disease, but, usage of air-conditioning and preventing mosquitoes to enter the premises can by using repellents, mosquito nets etc can help.

Jaundice – Causes and Prevention

A patient of Jaundice is identified by the change of skin and eye color to yellow. This yellowish hue is caused by high presence of bilirubin in the victim’s bloodstream. Jaundice can be caused by various reasons including liver inflammation of obstruction of the bile duct. There are multiple diseases and causes that can lead to Jaundice, and the best way to cure it is to identify the exact problems that impact bilirubin metabolism.

In conclusion

Communicable diseases like Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Viral Fever and Jaundice spread during monsoon season as the conditions are favorable for the growth of disease bearing mosquitoes. The best way to protect your loved ones is to use preventive measures such as mosquito nets, mosquito repellents etc. Adhering to precautions and avoiding exposure to rain or waterlogged areas can be an effective protection against such diseases. Upon identification of any of these problems, it is imperative to visit the doctor for a speedier and more effective care.

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