Vidyanikethan is making sanitation a reality for victims of child labour in Bangalore through crowdfunding


Bangalore, October 25, 2016: Making sanitation a reality for victims of child labour in Bangalore

Geberit and Vidyanikethan are working towards building sanitation facilities for children rescued from child labour.

25 children rescued from child labour practices live in a hostel in Sarjapur in Bangalore. They were rescued from the Sericulture industry (Rearing of silkworms for the production of “SILK”), which is very labour intensive & is a big industry in the state of Karnataka.

A lot of these kids worked as bonded labourers – their parents had effectively sold them to silk yarn units. These kids worked 11 hours a day for salaries as low as 15 INR a day, in dingy conditions. Their tiny hands often bled from cuts and sometimes suffered permanent damage as they worked with the yarn & with unrelenting machines. These kids are either abandoned or orphans & need your help.

The hostel currently has just two toilets – 1 for the children and 1 for the staff. This hostel is run and managed by Vidyanikethan.

There is a dire need to build two more toilets, a canteen style wash basin area with 4 taps , urinals for the children and the staff. The cost includes water tanks, piping, civil work costs, sewage lines etc. In addition, our aim is raise awareness about basic sanitation facilities & improve hygiene.

Vidyanikethan is raising crowdfund with the aims of 3.85 L INR.

Geberit is supporting this crowdfunding campaign with a generous 2L INR contribution from their CSR funds.

You can read the complete story here –

Geberit is supporting this crowdfunding campaign with a generous 2L INR contribution from their CSR funds.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)