50 crore people to be covered under the Ayushman Bharat and Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya SurakshaYojana


~Affordable health care, doctor-patient relationship and policy affairs were among the key things discussed  at The Economic Times Doctor’s Day Conclave 2018~

New Delhi, July 13, 2018: On the eve of Dr. B.C. Roy’s birthday,The Economic Times Doctors Day Conclave, 2018 brought some of the finest healthcare professionals under one roof and delved into issues affecting healthcare in India, the challenges faced by doctors, recent key initiatives taken by the government and what the future holds in terms of technological innovations.

Distinguished doctors from across India were felicitated at the event in the following categories: Gynecology, Diabetology, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Neurology and Orthopedics and six coffee table books were unveiled for each of these specialisations.

Chief Guest Smt. Anupriya Patel, Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,alongwith renownedactor Tisca Chopraand SunitaQuadros, Business Head and Senior Vice President, Times Strategic Solutions, felicitated the doctors.

Also present at the conclave was special addressee, Sonu Nigam who appreciated the efforts of doctors before entertaining the crowd with a rendition one of his popular songs.

Chief Guest Smt. Anupriya Patel, Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, said,Providing primary healthcare to all and integrating the ecosystem in extending premium health care to those who can’t afford it should be at the heart our future initiatives. We aretaking steps such as ‘Ayushman Bharat Yojana’ and ‘AmrutYojana’ to bring down cases of non-communicable diseases, making sure that affordable care reaches even the most impoverished quarters of the country”.

Present as Chief Guest at the eventwas Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey, Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare, who spoke about the challenges in the medical field and the solutions offered by the Indian Government. “Our country is very diverse and has a huge population of 100 crore plus people and this in itself is a challenge. Added to that the scale of non-communicable diseases in India ranging from diabetes to cancer makes it tougher, but the government is taking consolidated measures to ensure that these are gradually ironed out. In the last few years we have been able to check mothers’ mortality rates and upgrade our healthcare system to cater to a huge proportion of our country. I believe that we will in the times to come add to the existing 1.5 lakh illness centers and transform them into wellness centers.”

He further added,” The PM has envisioned to bring the greater part of the population residing at the poverty line and below into a broad schemed master medical inclusion program. It is a one-of-a-kind program which plans to ensure that 10.5 crore families making up more than 50 crore people are covered under the Ayushman Bharat, Pradhan MantriRashtriyaSurakshaYojana, by providing each family an insurance of Rs.5 lakhs. This holistic health care program will engage with all the stakeholders at every level and give the entire initiative the shape of a mass movement”.

Among key speakers at the event was Padmashri Dr. K.K. Aggarwal, Vishwa Hindi Samman, National Science Communication Awardee and Dr. BC Roy National Awardee, Immediate Past IMA President who said,”India is the future and it is going to be a leader in healthcare.We need to focus on universal healthcare, in an environment of mass inclusion, where 100% of the population is medically insured, and the government is taking consolidated measures in ensuring that. We need to talk about pre-modal and primary prevention and stress on healthcare management vis-à-vis universal lifestyle management”.

Touching upon the importance of communicating effectively with the patients

Dr.Jaideep Malhotra, President FOGSI,said, “India needs an integrated approach to reach out to the many millions and train the various service segments attending to them. We need to take care of even the minute concerns of a patient especially in case of non-communicable diseases. The ecosystem has to combine its efforts and map the health facilities and sensitize them jointly at various levels at both rural and urban India.” She further added that cases have to be dealt with more sensitivity and doctors must recognize the uniqueness of every case not look for a one size fits all approach.

Commenting on future technologies Dr. Mamta Jain, Managing Director Medwiz Healthcare Communications was of the opinion that, “We are at the cusp of great technological innovations which are going spearhead the healthcare needs of the future. Be it diagnostics or organ replacements, technology will play a big role going ahead. Technological innovations are going to minimize the cost of medical services, making it more inclusive, accessible and impactful.The Economic Times Doctor’s Day Summit is the start of a dialogue between the industry and its various stakeholders and in the next few years it would grow into a very powerful voice in the sphere of healthcare, and expectedly a game changer”.

Amit Indubhushan Bakshi,Chairman and Managing Director at Eris Lifesciences shared that, “We are glad to be associated with this great industry ice breaker, where we could bring under one roof all the concerned stakeholders of the industry together. The platform will immensely help consolidating the views and outlook of the industry as well as have the knowledge and expertise, prerequisite to influence and update national policies in favour of the many millions in our country”.

The evening wrapped up with a lively panel discussion in which doctors discussed everything from growing mistrust among patients, doctor-patient relationship and the way forward to deal with the future challenges in the medical field.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)