7th Annual Pharma Project & Portfolio Management 2024


Mumbai, November 20, 2023: After the success of the previous six editions, Eminence Business Media is delighted to announce the 7th Annual Pharma Project & Portfolio Management 2024. It is an eagerly anticipated event for the pharma industry’s most demanding i.e., portfolio teams and results-driven teams i.e., project teams. Thiseventservesasacomprehensiveplatformforprojectandportfolioprofessionalstonavigatetheir day-to-day challenges and envision the future of the pharma sector.

This year’s program has been meticulously crafted to encourage thought-provoking discussions, addressing current challenges such as skill gaps, competitive knowledge deficiencies, intellectual property trends, and the evolving landscape of project management. The event will feature expert- led creative sessions, real-world case studies, interactive Q&A sessions, practical soft skill development, and networking opportunities. High-ranking executives and pharma experts from project and portfolio management will provide insights, strategies, and solutions to help individuals achieve their organizational objectives.

Participating in the 7th Annual Pharma Project & Portfolio Management 2024 offers an opportunity toengageinstimulatingandspecializeddiscussionsonnichetopicswhilegaininguniqueperspectives on problem-solving.

Reasons to Attend:

  1. Gaininsightintointellectualpropertyrightsandportfoliochallengeswithinthepharma
  2. Addresstechnicalquestionsandenhancesoftskillsthroughcreativelystructured
  3. Explore project management concepts and tackle methodological
  4. Learn from experts through panel discussions at the end of each
  5. ParticipateindedicatedQ&Asessionstodiscussandresolvequeriesaftereach
  6. Access six months of continuous learning

Who Should Attend:

Presidents, ManagingDirectors, CXOs, Sr.VPs, VPs, Sr.GMs, GMs, aswellasManagersand Pharma Professionals from various teams, including –

  1. Portfolio Management Teams
  2. Project Management Teams
  3. IPR Teams
  4. Finance Teams
  5. Supply Chain Management Teams
  6. Academia Students

The Event starts on 17th January 2024- 8:30AM and ends on 19th January 2024- 6:30PM. The Location of the event is Mumbai.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)