Centre de NA opens clinic “energy” by using specialized medicine Japanese Treatment of depression through the strengthening of energy levels in the body


Abu Dhabi on February 6, 2014:- The Center “DNA er for medical care andintegrated hospital” in Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi for the opening of the clinic energy specialist for the use of medicine ancient Japanese in strengthening the energy levels in the body in order to activate it and relieve pain and to achieve a balance in the body, leading to relieve depression when the patient.

Dr Nasim Ashraf, chief executive of the center in a press statement on this occasion: “showLatest Research that Troubles Depression And mood swings It can be caused ShortageHereditary From Inability Patient Take advantage of the Vitamin Folic acid – As a result of weakness Their metabolism. “

He d. Breeze: “Through Test Simple blood and genes we can identify those patients who You can then deal with the treatment and where research has shown That up to 70% of patients treated In this way improved their condition while healing was about 45% of them. “

For his part, noted Dr. Joshua Birka expert at the center to that of the best therapeutic benefits of this technique is its ability to focus on specific health problems, especially chronic pain related muscles and joints and skeleton.

He d. Birka: “This technique, known as” Theo Na “is particularly effective For joint pain  Such as arthritis  Sciatica, muscle cramps and backpain The neck and shoulders as they help in the treatment of Chronic conditions Such as depression, insomnia, constipation, headache,including Migraines The tension Caused byStress. “

He explained that this technique is intended primarily to prevention and the prevention of health problems and has not corrected it by keeping the body’s energy in balance, and maintaining health.

According to the center, these therapy sessions costing 12 000 dirhams as the session include 12 and 12 visit to the clinic in addition to the testing. 

To query and booking phone 02 610 9000. Or email info@dnahealthcorp – CCI Newswire