Cobalt Announces Date for Second International Pharmaceutical Seminar on Transmission Raman Spectroscopy


New Delhi, August 13, 2017: The second international seminar on the use of Transmission Raman Spectroscopy (TRS) in pharmaceutical analysis will be hosted by Cobalt at Oxford University in the UK on Tuesday December 5th 2017. The seminar will feature presentations from experienced transmission Raman experts from AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen Pharmaceutica, Merck Sharpe & Dohme and Astellas from Europe, North America, Korea and Japan. An optional model-building workshop will be available on the afternoon of the 4th of December for those who wish to hone their chemometric skills with Cobalt’s experts.

Highlights from the previous seminar are available to view here. Both days are free to attend and will be very popular – registration is essential.

For full details, and to register your interest in attending, visit our registration page.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)