Free Health Check up Camp at Venkateshwar Group of Institution


New Delhi, December 12, 2019: Dr. Sudhir Giri – Chairman of Venkateswara Group of Institute said Free medical camps are set up with a sacred aim to bring awareness and provide completely free medical checkup including all medical services which are available now a days in hospitals like ECG, OPD, MRI, CT Scan, Diagnosis, Blood Test, Gastroenterology, Gynecology, Maternity, Nephrology, Oncology, Radiotherapy, Radiology, Physiotherapy, Urology amongst the deprived population and poor people of the country who have no access to basic healthcare services or knowledge about the diseases they are suffering from. So, medical camps provide free medical advice, medicine to the unfortunate people and refer for specialized treatment or surgery whenever it is required. These camps make sure people are getting the healthcare at the right time, and seeing the doctor early enough before a small health problem turns serious.

A Free medical Camp can be considered as a life-saving program which aims to provide free medical and surgical services to poor communities living in rural or urban areas by a mobile team with varieties of medical specialized services. Some NGOs, Charitable Medical Trusts, and medical professionals are driven by strong ethics of medicine who believe that it is the moral responsibility and obligation to treat each patient regardless of their incomes, race or social status. The main objective of a medical camp is to provide initial care to people in life-threatening conditions which reflect the unique strengths and goals of medical ethics. Other objectives are as stated below:

  1. Provide free and high-quality medical services and full body complete medical checkup for poor population.
  2. Working as an emergency team in disasters.
  3. Raise health awareness among the community and teach them to deal with communicable and no communicable.
  4. Register rare and severe cases and refer them to specialized centers.
  5. Evaluate the living conditions and determine the obstacles and challenges to work on solving their problems.

Refer medical cases towards surgeries if required.

As a socially cognizant organisation, Venkateswara Group of Institute has undertaken a major initiative of organizing free health check camps dedicated towards ensuring the health of expecting mothers. Following the pledge of 9000 doctors from renowned Hospitals to dedicate to provide healthcare services and completely free medical health checkup to poor people urban, semi urban and rural areas of India, free medical camps are conducted in Venkateswara Group of Institute campus. These camps are being conducted specifically for pregnant women with active participation by Clinicians, Nurses and Support Staff from specialized hospitals.


whenever a preventive service is offered to a defined group of people there will be those who are the professionals will naturally seek reasons for this. Two main explanations are found in the literature; the first focuses on the characteristics of the individuals themselves, particularly their attitudes and beliefs and any practical constraints or barriers which may affect some people more than others, 2 while the second stresses the need to look at possible inadequacies in the way the service is provided. 3-5 of course, both sets of factors need to be considered if we are to understand the level of uptake in a particular context. In this paper the issue is the non-acceptance of the offer of a general health check-up in an inner-city general practice. Unlike immunizations or screening for a particular condition, the offer of a general health check with appropriate health counselling is not a familiar concept to British patients. We therefore felt that it was relevant to examine the views and attitudes of those who did not accept together with the administrative arrangements and the evidence for other possible constraints on attendance. The aim, therefore, was to review the evidence for a range of hypotheses and assess their relative importance in explaining failure to attend. This study is one part of a larger programme of research into health beliefs and behaviour.

A successful free Medical Health Check-up camp was organised by Saraswati Medical College in collaboration with renowned doctors of reputed hospitals.

The objective of the camp was to provide information regarding diet, exercise and weight control. Free medicines have been provided to subjects who were diagnosed with HTN and or DM and advised them to follow up with their local doctors or Public Health Centres or with one of our GHE-affiliated doctors. Follow up has been done with those subjects who have been diagnosed with HTN or DM on a regular basis by our trained local volunteers and physicians for compliance with their medications and ascertain that their blood pressure and/or blood sugar are controlled.

Adopt a Patient Program: “Adopt a Patient” program has been started where free medicines has been provided and follow ups to very sick patients, poor people who otherwise could not afford medical care. We are already taking care of one of the patients under this program.

Commenting on the health camp, Dr. Sudhir Giri – Chairman of Saraswati Medical College, said, “We, at Venkateswara Group of Institute believe that it is important to enhance awareness among different work segments, about the adverse effects that stress can have on one’s health. We understand that Media as a profession is known for the tremendous stress that it takes one through and for unspecified hours, thus leading to unhealthy eating habits, and irregular time schedules. This programme is aimed at early diagnosis of problems arising due to the same, wherein the doctors present will then advise on precautions and solutions.
