This Iraqi braveheart survived tennis ball-sized brain tumour


Bangalore February 28, 2014:-
For the very many surgeries this team of doctors has encountered,this one was different.The tumour diagnosed in the brain of a 35-year-old Iraqi woman measured 7×9 cm in diameter as big as a tennis ball.

Raizya Abdulla from Iraq came down to Bangalore with an abnormally largebrain tumour.Whatstarted asfrequent unmanageable headaches and blurry vision for over 2 years,developed into loss of vision in her right eye and loss of the ability to smell.Raizyas family even suspected psychiatric problems as she started hallucinating,social continence (urinating without her knowledge ) and frequent seizures.

While an MRI showed up a tumour,itssheer size and position madethesurgery extremely risky.With doctors in Iraq refusing to take a chance,Raizya had no choice but to fly down to India.The tumour was encompassing vital nerves of the brain.We had to ensure they were spared while removing it.Otherwise,there could be chances of the patient losing motor function,vision in the left eye,and facing behaviorial disturbances.Also,since the tumor had eroded the base of the skull,it had to be re-constructed with her own tissues, explained Dr Sathish S,consultant neurosurgeon,Fortis Hospital.

The surgery was conducted in two phases and the tumour was completely removed.There are tumours on the top of the head which grow for 6cm.But this one grew inside the brain for around 9cm.Usually such patients slip into coma.This case,therefore,was surprising, he added.

Alls well that ends well.On Thursday evening,Raizya and her family headed home with fond memories from Bangalore.She is now able to walk independently,her vision is intact,seizures have ceased and her urinary incontinence is under control.It was a benign tumour with little chances of it growing back, the doctor said.- The times of india