Virchow Biotech Pvt Ltd., Survey no.172 part, Gagillapur Village, Quthbullapur Mandal, R.R.Dist – 500043


Company Name: Virchow Biotech Pvt Ltd.

Category: Vials Washing Machines

 Address: Survey no.172 part, Gagillapur Village, Quthbullapur Mandal, R.R.Dist – 500043

Tel. No: 91-9700017820, 91- 9700017883



Company Profile

Founded in 1981. Virchow pioneered the development of novel and innovative API products based on advances in Chemistry. Virchow business has expanded to serve patients around the world in supportive of several diseases. Virchow group has good expertise in the process development of Pharmaceutical and biological products. Our Biotech’s R&D is efficient in optimizing recombinants and other fermentation derived bio-generics.

We have a strong background in chemical process engineering for scale up and backward integration of active pharmaceutical ingredients and for efficiently managing the down stream operations involved in the production of various bio-generic products. We have time and again proved that we can be the world’s largest and economically best manufacturer for the products we choose.